Wednesday, April 29, 2020


This coming Sunday, (May 3), is the 4th Sunday of Easter, traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday.  The readings appointed for the day include Psalm 23 and the passage from John's Gospel (10:1-10) in which Jesus describes himself as the loving, faithful shepherd who will protect his sheep.  Normally we don't think of our selves as being of need of protection.  But these are not normal times.  Reading Psalm 23, or any of the psalms, can provide comfort and reassurance when we are feeling nervous or uncertain.
Another way to ease nervousness is to do something for another person.  Write a note, make a call. Or if you are financially able, make a donation to an agency that is helping in the community.  This Way of Love Easter calendar (from a church in Minnesota) has suggestions for each of the 50 days of Easter.
Have faith in God and love your neighbor.
All will be well.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Our church building continues to be closed, but the church is alive and active in the world.  There are many stories of people in our congregation who are helping one another in many ways!  One parishioner reaches out to one person a day, just to see how they are doing.  Another member of St. Thomas' provided a kitchen appliance  when she heard about a stranger who was in need.  A couple of people donated money to Episcopal Charities and to the WARM Center. Several  are sewing masks and distributing them to family, friends and community groups.  And  many parishioners have dropped off packages or sent notes or gifts to those who are in need or alone or who just needed cheering up. This is the church at work!!! This is what Jesus asked us to do! Keep these love stories going!!!
Our copies of Forward Day by Day for the months of May-July have arrived.  If you would like one mailed to you, send a message to the email address in the contact info. tab at the top of this page. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Happy Easter!  The world celebrated an Easter unlike any other, but Christ is still risen and God is still victorious!  Check out the Facebook photos of how our church looked on Easter morning (lower right of this page). 
One of the great things about being a small parish (and there are many!) is that we are all able to be in frequent contact with one another by phone, email, texts, Facebook and handwritten notes.  If you would like to be on the list to receive the weekly email news, send a note to the email address listed under contact info. at the top of this page. 
We continue to worship together from our home three times a week- see the column on the right for all the details.  There will be a Zoom meeting at 6 pm for the Wednesday Evening Prayer service. Contact the priest if you want the link for that meeting.
If you are in need of anything, or you would like prayers, send us a message and we will try to help. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


We are in the midst of a Holy Week that is unlike any we have ever lived through in modern times.  At St. Thomas', we continue to stick together as a congregation through phone calls, emails, text messages, our Facebook page (see lower right column) and a Facebook chat group.  We continue to worship together from our home three times a week- see the column on the right for all the details.  There will be a Zoom meeting at 6 pm for the Wednesday Evening Prayer service. Contact the priest if you want the link for that meeting. This week, parishioners have made short reflective videos that include prayers, readings and thoughts.  We have shared these with our congregation as we encourage each other in prayer and love.
If you would like to be on this email list, or Facebook chat group- or if you would like us to pray for you, send a message to the priest (see Contact Information in tab at the top of this page).
In case you missed these news items, the Episcopal Church has made headlines in RI and across the country.  Did you read about all of the N95 masks found at our National Cathedral in Washington DC  (view the article here).  And this week, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC is going to turn its sanctuary into a hospital (read about it here).  Then, the Rev. Meaghan Kelly Brower, director of ECC,  was in the news with a rap video she made (view it here)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


The congregation of St. Thomas' is not meeting at the church, but we continue to be the Body of Christ in our world and in our small RI community.   The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Michael Curry, reaches out to the flock on a regular basis and shares his thoughts and prayers.  This week,  he wrote an epistle to the Church made to comfort us as we mourn the loss of our Holy Week and Easter services.  That letter can be found here.
We continue to worship together from our home three times a week- see the column on the right for all the details.  Starting today, there will be a Zoom meeting at 6pm for the  Wednesday Evening Prayer service. Contact the priest if you want the link for that meeting. 
For Holy Week, we are asking parishioners, and others, to prepare a short video of  a prayer or Scripture reading that we can share with our congregation. Again- contact the priest if you want to take part. 
There are  many online resources for worshiping at this time.  Many local churches are streaming Sunday and mid-day services. The Episcopal Church has is providing access to daily morning prayer services here and a Sunday service at the National Cathedral here.  
At this time, many of us are feeling isolated, anxious and depressed.  Try to make a phone call and/or write a note a week to someone who needs some cheering up.If anyone is in need, the priest can be reached by going to the Contact tab at the top of this page.  Remember to have faith in God and love your neighbor!