Wednesday, January 29, 2025


This Sunday is a special day in the church calendar known as The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord. It marks the day when the parents of Jesus presented the infant at the Temple. It is also known as Candlemass and Groundhog Day. Read how those things are connected here.
The service this week is at 9 am, and it will be followed by our Annual Parish Meeting. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
Next Sunday, Feb. 9 is the Souper Bowl of Caringn 2024, Americans spent almost $14 billion on food and drinks during the Super Bowl. The Souper Bowl of Caring supports agencies around the country that are helping those who are hungry. Read about it hereHelp us in this effort. On Super Bowl Sunday, bring $1 or 1 food item to church that day. Our donations will go to RICAN. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


This is the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
The annual parish meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 2, following the worship service. A potluck meal will accompany the service. Bring a dish to share! 
Feb. 2. is also a special feast day in the church calendar. It is called the Presentation or Candlemas. It falls 40 days after Christmas and is the day that Jesus was presented in the Temple. It is also Groundhog Day!  Read all about it here
The Souper Bowl of Caring will be on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 9. This annual event is a way to support those who are hungry in our country on a day when people in our nation spend billions of dollars on food and drink. Stay tuned for more details. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


This is the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
The annual parish meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 2, following the worship service. A potluck meal will accompany the service. Bring a dish to share!
The Souper Bowl of Caring will be on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 9. This annual event is a way to support those who are hungry in our country on a day when people in our nation spend billions of dollars on food and drink. Stay tuned for more details. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


This is the 1st Sunday after Epiphany-also known as the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus.  The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here. There will be a vestry meeting after the service this week.
During the month of December, we collected items for our friends at the WARM Center The donation included 1 set of gloves, 1 pair of slippers, 6 T-shirts and 91 pairs of socks! Thanks to everyone who contributed!
The annual parish meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 2, following the worship service. All are welcome. There will be a potluck meal. Bring a dish to share!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


This is the 2nd Sunday after Christmas.  The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here. 
As the 12 days of Christmas comes to a close, the season of Epiphany begins. This season will last until Ash Wednesday which is March 5 this year. Read more about it here. Stay tuned for upcoming events at St. Thomas'!

Friday, December 27, 2024


This is the 1st Sunday after Christmas.  The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here. 
New socks and underwear will be collected for the WARM Center until December 29.
There will be a vestry meeting on January 12 and the annual parish meeting will be held on February 2.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


Join us at 5 pm for a family friendly worship service!
If you can't come in person, join us on Facebook or YouTube. The links are here.