Wednesday, March 12, 2025


This is the 2nd Sunday in LentThe service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
March and April are busy months at St. Thomas'! There is a weekly Zoom compline meeting on Thursdays. There is a book club that is reading "James in the Suburbs." There is a bowling event and a guest soloist coming.  See the whole schedule here.
To learn more about the meaning and traditions in Lent, click on the tab at the top of this page. St. Thomas' has many events scheduled this season.  Join us in keeping a holy Lent-there are are many suggestions on the flyer here. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025


This is the 1st Sunday in LentThe service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
There will be a vestry meeting following the service on Sunday.
To learn more about the meaning and traditions in Lent, click on the tab at the top of this page.  
St. Thomas' has many events scheduled this season.  Join us in keeping a holy Lent-there are are many suggestions on the flyer here. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Join us on Ash Wednesday, March 5, at 10 am for an in-person worship service with the imposition of ashes. All are welcome!
And you are invited to be a part of our Lenten Compline services that will be on Zoom every Thursday in Lent at 7 pm. The Zoom link and order of service can be found here.
Learn about Ash Wednesday and Lent by clicking the tab on this page.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


This is the Last Sunday after Epiphany. The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
During coffee hour this week, there will be a discussion about, "How to lead Morning Prayer.If there is ever a Sunday when a priest is not available to lead worship, any member of the church can lead Morning Prayer.  It is easy!  Come join in!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the the Souper Bowl of Caring last Sunday!  We collected $45, plus 12 items for RICAN and 146 items that were used to prepare the February WARM Center meal. 
Ash Wednesday is Mar. 5. There will be a 10 am service that includes Holy Eucharist and the imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
If you would like to join in the Lenten book discussion of the, "James in the Suburbs," send us a message. Read more about the book here.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


This is the 7th Sunday after Epiphany. The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
The Souper Bowl of Caring has been rescheduled to this Sunday! On Super Bowl SundayAmericans spent over $16.5 billion on food, drinks and partying for Super Bowl events. As a way of helping those who are hungry and homeless in our nation, we ask very person to donate $1 this week and put it into the soup pot. Or bring a food item. Our donations will be given to Rhode Island Center Assisting Those in Need.
On Sunday, Mar. 2, there will be a special coffee hour discussion about how to lead a Morning Prayer service. It would be great to have a big crowd for this session!
Ash Wednesday is Mar. 5. There will be a 10 am service that includes Holy Eucharist and the imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
If you would like to join in the Lenten book discussion of the, "James in the Suburbs," send us a message. Read more about the book here.

Saturday, February 15, 2025


 It will be another icy, stormy Sunday morning, our in person service is cancelled for Feb. 16
Tune in for a short, live streamed worship service at 9 am. It can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 PLEASE NOTE-if the weather is bad on Sunday morning, check this website before you leave for church. If the roads are tricky, or there is a parking ban, there will be a worship service onllne.
This is the 6th Sunday after Epiphany. The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome!  If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
The Souper Bowl of Caring has been rescheduled to this Sunday! Last SundayAmericans spend over $16.5 billion on food, drinks and partying for Super Bowl events. As a way of helping those who are hungry and homeless in our nation, we ask very person to donate $1 this week and put it into the soup pot. Or bring a food item. Our donations will be given to Rhode Island Center Assisting Those in Need.
There will be a vestry meeting this week after the worship service.
This Friday is Valentine's Day!! It is not an official holiday on the Episcopal Church calendar, but we are always happy to celebrate love!! Read about it here.