The Green Season




We are currently in the part of the church year called the Season after Pentecost–also known as the Green Season or Ordinary Time.  Green vestments and altar hangings are used. During these weeks, the Gospel lessons focus on the public ministry of Jesus.  They recount his teachings, miracles and other deeds.  It is a time when Christians reflect on doing the work of God’s kingdom and growing spiritually.  The color green symbolizes the growth of the grass and trees, growth of crops, growth of the church, and growth of Christians together in the fellowship of faith. This season of the church year lasts until the 1st Sunday of Advent (Dec. 1, 2024). 

During the long, green season, there are two tracks (or strands) for the Old Testament readings. Within each track, there is a Psalm chosen to accompany the particular lesson. The Revised Common Lectionary allows for either track, but once a track has been selected, it should be followed through to the end of the Pentecost season (as opposed to jumping back and forth between the two strands).

The first track of Old Testament readings (Track 1), follows major stories and themes and are, for the most part, continuous from week to week. In Year A, the readings begin with Genesis, Year B follows the stories of the great monarchs and Year C focuses on the later prophets.

The second track of readings (Track 2), follows the Roman Catholic tradition of thematically pairing the Old Testament reading with the Gospel reading. This track is almost identical to the older lectionary found in the Book of Common Prayer. 

At St. Thomas’, our habit is to alternate the following of the tracks. We are currently in Year B. Last time we were in Year B was in 2021 and we read Track 2. This year we will read Track 1.


Adapted from The Rev. Dr. J. Barrington Bates

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