Thursday, May 26, 2011


This is the 6th Sunday of Easter. In honor of Memorial Day weekend, we will use a special chalice and paten that were used during WWII.
Ascension Day is this Thursday (June 2). See the column to the left about our service for that day. Please sign up in the parish hall.
A Fellowship Dinner will be held on Sat.June 27. See the bulletin board at church for more details.
A poster contest called Pictures for Patriots is being held for students in grades K-12. It is sponsored by the organization, Operation Gratitude. If you wish to enter, contact the vicar for more details. Posters should be given to her by June 5.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This is the 5th Sunday of Easter. Our church school program has finished for the school year, except, we will continue to hold a preschool class on the 1st Sunday of each month.
This week we welcome Ms. Pam Martin from the RI Division of Operation Military Kids as a guest speaker at 9am. She will tell us about her work with military families in southern RI.
We will have a special Ascension Day service on Thursday, June 2 at 6pm. Following the service, we will release (biodegradable ) balloons into the air and have a cookout. Families and children are encouraged to attend. You will be home by 7:30

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This is the 4th Sunday of Easter. It is the last day of church school for this school year. May thanks to our faithful teachers and substitutes who planned lessons and activities for our young people each week.
There will be a Bishop's Committee meeting this week after church.
Next Sunday, May 22, we will welcome Ms. Pam Martin from the RI division of Operation Military Kids. She will talk to us about how their organizations helps the families of soldiers living in Rhode Island.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, aunts and anyone who has mothered another person!
This is the 3rd Sunday of Easter. Church school will meet. The Bishop's Committee will meet next Sunday (May 15).
Looking ahead- on Sunday, May 22, we will welcome Ms. Pamela Martin as a guest speaker. She is the coordinator for the RI division of Operation Military Kids. This organization helps the families of soldiers who have been deployed. She will talk about her organization and the programs they offer to the families of military personnel.