Thursday, July 28, 2022


This is the 8th Sunday after Pentecost.The worship service is live streamed at 9 am and it can be viewed on Facebook or on YouTube. Find the links here.  It can also be watched at a later time in both places.  Coffee hour follows the service. Bring a friend! 
This week  we will have a guest vocalist at our 9 am service. Ms. Makalya Lane will join us and serve as a cantor for the hymns
The Preschool Story Hour is no longer meeting on Thursdays.
During the summer, St. Thomas' will be incorporating some new prayers into the Sunday liturgy. They will focus on topics that Christians in the 21st century are facing.  Many of these are written in the form of laments, or cries to God. Join us for worship and learn more!
St. Thomas' is collecting school supplies for the students in the Chariho district through the Chariho Youth Task Force community health worker. If you would like to donate items, please bring the to the church by Aug. 7.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


This is the 7th Sunday after Pentecost.The worship service is live streamed at 9 am and it can be viewed on Facebook or on YouTube. Find the links here.  It can also be watched at a later time in both places.  Coffee hour follows the service. Bring a friend! 
During the summer, St. Thomas' will be incorporating some new prayers into the Sunday liturgy. They will focus on topics that Christians in the 21st century are facing.  Many of these are written in the form of laments, or cries to God. Join us for worship and learn more!
Preschool Story Hour meets on Thursdays from 11:30-12:30 for children age 3-6. All are welcome to this fun gathering!
On Sunday, July 31, we will have a guest vocalist at our 9 am service. Ms. Makalya Lane will join us and serve as a cantor for the hymns. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


This is the 6th Sunday after Pentecost.The worship service is live streamed at 9 am and it can be viewed on Facebook or on YouTube. Find the links here.  It can also be watched at a later time in both places.  Coffee hour follows the service. Bring a friend! Beginning this Sunday, St. Thomas' will be incorporating some new prayers into the Sunday liturgy. They will focus on topics that Christians in the 21st century are facing. Join us for worship and learn more!
Preschool Story Hour meets on Thursdays from 11:30-12:30 for children age 3-6. All are welcome to this fun gathering!
Sunday, July 17, is the third Sunday of the month and it is the week that we collect donations for the WARM Center. Items needed include: small water bottles, juice boxes, single serve packages or cookies and crackers. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


This is the 5th Sunday after Pentecost.The worship service is live streamed at 9 am and it can be viewed on Facebook or on YouTube. Find the links here.  It can also be watched at a later time in both places.  Coffee hour follows the service. Bring a friend!
Preschool Story Hour meets on Thursdays from 11:30-12:30 for children age 3-6. All are welcome to this fun gathering!
On Saturday, July 9, St. Thomas is partnering with the Chariho Youth Task Force for a "Kick off to Summer" event on the church lawn from 11-1. There will be free food, games, and a puzzle and game swap.  All are welcome! See the post in the right column for more information. 
Beginning this Sunday, St. Thomas' will be incorporating some new prayers into the Sunday liturgy. They will focus on topics that Christians in the 21st century are facing. Join us for worship and learn more!
Sunday, July 17, is the third Sunday of the month and it is the week that we collect donations for the WARM Center. Items needed include: small water bottles, juice boxes, single serve packages or cookies and crackers.