Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Our Presiding Bishop has said that churches should be closed until after Easter.  That is a shock to all of us, but it is what we have to do.  They have asked us to be creative in finding ways that we can still be a worshiping community during that most holy time of year.  If you have ideas, send them to the priest, or message the Facebook page here.
It is Lent and we continue to be mindful of the season.  Some parishioners are reading A Resurrection Shaped Life by the Rt. Rev. Jake Owensby.  Others are praying with their prayer pals.  If you want a prayer pal- contact the priest.
As a congregation, we are pausing at homes 3 times a week and praying from the Book of Common Prayer (see times in right column and the link to access an online book),
There are so many online resources for worshiping at this time.  Many local churches are streaming Sunday and mid-day services. The Episcopal Church has is providing access to daily morning prayer services here and a Sunday service at the National Cathedral here.  
At this time, many of us are feeling isolated, anxious and depressed.  Try to make a phone call and/or write a note a week to someone who needs some cheering up.
If anyone is in need, the priest can be reached by going to the Contact tab at the top of this page.  Remember to have faith in God  and love your neighbor

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