This is the Last Sunday after Epiphany. The service is at 9 am, followed by coffee hour. All are welcome! If you can't come in person, the worship service is live streamed and it can be viewed live on YouTube and Facebook. Find the links here.
During coffee hour this week, there will be a discussion about, "How to lead Morning Prayer." If there is ever a Sunday when a priest is not available to lead worship, any member of the church can lead Morning Prayer. It is easy! Come join in!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the the Souper Bowl of Caring last Sunday! We collected $45, plus 12 items for RICAN and 146 items that were used to prepare the February WARM Center meal.
Ash Wednesday is Mar. 5. There will be a 10 am service that includes Holy Eucharist and the imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
If you would like to join in the Lenten book discussion of the, "James in the Suburbs," send us a message. Read more about the book here.
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